Whip Checks

whip checksWhip checks are used as hose restraints in a number of industries, including mining and many applications that use industrial air hoses. Designed to prevent hose whip if the hose couplings or clamps separate, whip checks create a bridge between each side of a hose fitting to create an added layer of safety.
Whip checks are an important safety feature for air hoses because a hose or coupling failure can cause serious injuries and accidents. With a whip check installed on a hose, however, these types of injuries and accidents can be prevented. You can check out a video of the American Iron Works testing a whip check here.

Typically, whip checks are used on air hoses carrying no more than 200 PSI. Hose restraints for hoses carrying a greater PSI or other types of hoses, like hydraulic hoses, do exist.

To be sure you have the proper type of whip check for your hose and application requirements, contact the experienced staff at Amazon Hose and Rubber Company.